2 Map2.1 Create a MapTo create a map click
You can choose if the map is of type Isles (lands in the middle of waters) or Lakes (waters in the middle of lands) either random. Size Indicate if you prefer to set the size freely or to use a predefined size according to the number of players. Shape Indicate the shape of wished map. For an Rectangular map you have to indicate the number of lines (between 15 and 64) and the number of columns (between 15 and 64). For an Hexagonal map you have to indicate the radius in number of cell (between 7 and 32). Ratio Indicate the ratio between lands and waters. See the genesis This option allows to see the various stages of the creation of the map.
You can, afterward, re-create a map with the same parameters,
clicking 2.2 Update a MapHaving created a map you can update it at leisure. You can change the ground and possibly make a pre spreding out of the ore. On the other hand to modify the dimension of the map you have to create a new one. The modification of a map is made, essentially, by means of the mouse. To change the ground of a cell you may: 2.3 Spread out OreOn a map, you can possibly make a pre spreading out of the ore. The spreading of this map will be used if you select the option "Current" during step 3 of the game creation process (see Start a Game). You can spread out ore automatically and / or manually.
To spread out ore automatically click
To spread out ore manually you may: If there is already an ore of a different kind on the cell, this one is replaced.
If you click again on the same cell, the image of the ore is changed. To delete an ore, place the cursor on the ore and press on the key [Suppr]. 2.4 Save a MapTo save a map, click one of the following commands of the menu File: